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Q&A – Why are some limbs of my Japanese maple not leafing out?
Q&A – How do I keep the limbs of my Japanese maples from dying?
How to Troubleshoot Japanese Red Maples Not Leafing Out
Q&A – One of the branches of my Japanese maple appears to have died? What should I do?
Q&A – Why does my Japanese maple have brown curled leaves?
Dealing with dieback/scorching in Japanese maples
Q&A – Why are branches of my red maple dying?
Q&A – Can my little maple trees be saved from moldy leaves?
Q&A – How do I prune my Japanese maple? It was damaged by a late frost.
Q&A - Should I cut off the branches with green leaves at the base of my red fringe Japanese maple?
Q&A- One of my Japanese maples has different shoots coming out of the main stem. Can I cut them off?